Saturday, March 30, 2013

Post apocalyptic monster Humvee

This Truck didn't make it in with the last round or cars,It wasnt quite done yet. I found this at Goodwill for a buck. It was one of those that you build yourself, which was helpful in taking it apart for painting.
I added some GW parts as well as a few others to give it that look of being slightly modified with futuristic Post apocalypticness. 
The other side, without the photo enhancing background. 
Hers a shot for a size comparison. at first glance it looks waaay to big. but if you just compare the body, its actually just about right. I'm really happy with how it turned out.

Let me know what you think!
Papa Spanky


  1. If the yellow one is a toyota or whatever then the hummer should be bigger so no problems. They both look great.

    1. Thanks for the confirmation! Its a Ford Escort, but yeah, I was a little worried about it fitting in.

  2. Very cool like both of those very much.

  3. Great PA vehicle, good detailing too.

    1. Thanks! I think its the camoflage, it hides the sloppy shading I did. But I guess thats why its camoflage...

  4. Just what I'd expect a post apoc lifted truck to look like. Nice work.
